Ways to support Chev
The Chevalier Foundation encourages our community to help us help families who would otherwise find it a challenge financially to attend the college and to also help us maintain and improve the facilities so we can offer the best education to them that we can.
On this page, you will find a range of funds and causes that are all tax deductible for donations of $2 and over. Scroll down to view Building Fund; Charitable Support; Scholarship Fund; John Fahey Scholarship; Chris Topp Bursary; Br Dave Merrick Bursary; PAC Seat Sponsorship and the Victor A Consunji Scholarship.
Thank you in anticipation for your support. It will truly make a difference to the life of some young person.
Chevalier College Building Fund
The Building Fund has two main purposes: the first is to provide money for the maintenance and refurbishment of existing College facilities; the second is to provide money for the construction of new College facilities. It is the oldest deductible gift recipient fund operated by Chevalier College.
Charitable Support Fund
The primary purpose of Charitable Support Fund is to provide money for the financial relief of families that cannot afford to pay full fees at Chevalier College due to hardship or economic circumstances. The fund can be used for bursaries and fee subsidy in those cases. This fund has also been a vehicle for helping past students and staff with financial support after the damage wrought by 2019-20 bush fires.
Scholarship Fund
The Scholarship Fund provides money for those scholarships, bursaries and prizes associated with Chevalier College that have an eligible applicant base of more than 200,000 persons. In most cases the projects associated with this fund will be named scholarships or bursaries that have had specific donations or endowments invested to enable them to be offered.
John Fahey Memorial Scholarship
Chevalier College has consulted with the Fahey family and received their blessing for plans to create a scholarship in honour of John Fahey to help a student in the same way as John was helped by a competitive bursary to study here.
Chris Topp Memorial Bursary
The Chris Topp Memorial Bursary will be a high honour for its recipients. It is a sought-after award for worthy young people who would not otherwise have had the opportunity for an education at Chevalier College in the MSC tradition. As well as a financial means test, the criteria for awarding the bursary includes seeking the attributes and aptitude of diverse, active involvement in school life that Chris Topp himself encouraged and exemplified throughout his time at Chevalier.
Brother Dave Merrick msc
Memorial Bursary
The proposed Br Dave Merrick Memorial Bursary will be a high honour for its recipients. It would be a sought-after award for worthy young people who would not otherwise have had the opportunity for an education at Chevalier College in the MSC tradition. As well as a financial means test, the criteria for awarding the scholarship would include seeking the attributes and aptitude of diverse, active involvement in school life that Br Dave himself encouraged and exemplified.
Performing Arts Centre seating sponsorship
We are giving a special opportunity to our current and past supporters and donors to celebrate their connection with Chevalier by naming one of the 306 permanent seats in the new PAC. Into the future you can be part of the audience in spirit for every concert, play, musical and performance.
Victor A Consunji Scholarship
Victor Almeda Consunji was an international boarder at Chevalier from 1963-1965, along with his older brother Isidro. They came from the Philippines and remained in contact with their classmates and the college, becoming significant benefactors. Funds donated by the Consunji family have allowed for a 6 year scholarship to be offered commencing in 2022 in his memory as Victor sadly passed away in 2018.